St Albans Legacy Project
2018 sees the 100th anniversary of the WW1 armistice. To mark the occasion they are running a multi-media art competition. Through a creative medium of your choice, they are inviting secondary school students in years 7-10, and living or attending school in the St Albans district, to look beyond commemoration and submit an original entry that considers the bigger stories as World War 1 came to an end.
The aim of the competition is to encourage students to deepen your understanding of the social and political landscape of the present day, by studying the impact of the past events on your immediate community, as well as in the wider context of the world.
It is hoped that in doing so, this will provide an opportunity to engage with local and national museums and archives, historical societies and other resources, with the aim of encouraging the development of independent research and presentation skills, which are so essential for effective and successful learning during secondary school and beyond. While this competition is based upon a historical event, the broad categories are designed to encompass all curriculum subject areas and beyond, so that students who have an interest in any subject, be it sports, cookery, needlework, engineering, ICT or Science can be as expressive and creative with the resources at their disposal as those who might prefer the traditional arts and humanities subjects. Entries will be judged on originality and expression of the chosen subject and medium, as well as the level of research shown.
They will be following the government guidelines regarding teenagers and social media
you can find out more by visiting